Global riot
It seems to your blogstress that, despite some six days of protests and riots around the world, the people of the Western world seem intent on not getting the furor over a series of cartoons, run in a handful of European newspapers , that cariactured the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) in a number of stereotypes ascribed to Muslims by bigots. It would have been enough of a blasphemy simply to depict the prophet, even in a positive light. Islam proscribes any depiction of the prophet, much like Jewish prosciptions of "graven images" of the deity. But to do so in such a disrespectful fashion, well, that was just gasoline thrown on already smouldering coals. Particularly distasteful is the fact that the cartoons in question originated as part of a "challenge to self-censorship" initiated by a Danish newspaper. In other words, these cartoonists were given the charge to be just as insulting as they pleased. And some pleased to be extremely insulting. All in th...