Confusion over satire
Since the posting of her essay, The Shylock Code , at The American Prospect Online (now featured at CBS News Online ), your blogstress has received some very interesting e-mail. As expected, the piece certainly has smoked out some hard-core anti-Semites, as well as a couple of appreciative readers and one truly confused one. Let us begin with the perplexed: Your article on Mel Gibson leaves me cold. I really don't understand the flip-flopping you were doing. One minute you denounce that, God forbid you were taken as being Jewish, then the next minute you refer to Mel as speaking the truth. Do you like Jews or do you hate Jews? Which is it? I am totally confused. You seem to know all the Shylock words and what they mean. Do you speak them often? What are you trying to prove? I have a lot of questions here but I don't think I will get one answered. --Flowkay Fear not, Flokay; your cybertrix is here to answer your questions. "The Shylock Code" essay is wri...