
Showing posts from September 29, 2006

En garde!

Normally a rather docile creature, content to drift from lingerie emporium to chocolatier , your blogstress today, alas, finds herself in a position that requires the unsheathing of her mighty sword of rhetorical wit. This crusade arises from a very poorly executed attack on your Webwench by one of the resident liberal wags of Fox News Channel, who has accused your cybertrix of writing things she never wrote -- a trick more typically used by right-wing commentators. Herewith, your écrivaine 's rebuttal: With (the Christian) God on her side, who needs facts? I don't find it particularly surprising that a Fox News commentator would resort to a factually challenged and misleading retort to an essay on Pope Benedict XVI 's recent geopolitical mischief in the Islamic world. I did, however, find it a bit alarming to see that modus operandi employed at The American Prospect Online , by Kirsten A. Powers . In her commentary, Who Should Apologize? (which includes an ostensibl...