'Smear merchants' v. fear merchants
From her friends at the Christian Newswire, your blogstress received a press release from a Rev. Jesse Lee Paterson (author of Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America ), who condemns "Hollywood insiders" and "media" (read: Jews) for picking on poor, suffering Mel Gibson: Now there appears to be an orchestrated campaign by some Hollywood insiders and media to personally destroy Gibson. Hmmm...From your Webwench's vantage point, it seems that Mr. Gibson is doing a pretty good job of destroying himself. These same people opposed Gibson’s blockbuster ‘The Passion of the Christ’ which despite opposition from liberals was a huge hit among audiences. These ‘smear merchants’ [blogstress's note: read 'Jews'] are using this incident to get back at Gibson. Note that Rev. Paterson recently partnered with the Heritage Foundation -- the grandaddy institution of the right wing -- to produce a conference on "Moral Reconstruction" in urban...