
Showing posts from March 19, 2007

And what about Yemen?

It's hard to know just what to make of the confessions gushing out of Guantanamo this week. First, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad , who allegedly took responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, and now Waleed bin Attash , whom AP's Pauline Jelinek reports as having taken responsibility for blowing up the U.S.S. Cole. Your blogstress knows nothing of bin Attash, and has no reason to doubt his confession other than the fact that it may have been coerced by torture-like methods. But that doesn't mean it's not true. More to the point, thinks your écrivaine , are the remarks of Jamal Gunn , a 26-year-old in Virginia Beach who lost his brother, a U.S. sailor, in the Cole attack: "The thing is, we want accountability from all levels, not just the foreign nationals who pulled off the attack, who masterminded the attack, but those who let it happen within our government as well," said Jamal Gunn, 26, of Virginia Beach, Va., whose brother, Cherone Gunn, was killed aboard the Cole...