
Showing posts from January 26, 2008

Live-blogging SC poll results
Obama: Make no mistake what we're up against

It's the status quo. (Read: the Clintons) This is a transcendent speech. The Clintons may have given Barack Obama a gift with their negative, race-baited campaign against the candidate they sought to paint as "the black candidate." For in playing the race card, they gave Obama permission to address the race issue head-on, to no longer dance around the question of racial prejudice in America. I do believe that their lies in the hearts of far more white people than anybody imagines a desire for redemption.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Obama: playing the diversity card

Obama is pointedly asserting the diversity of his "coalition," exactly the right point to make, given the racialized nation of the South Carolina campaign. But his tone, so far, is a bit more combative -- even angry. Be careful, Barack. The people turn to you for uplift.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Michelle Obama looking very Jackie Kennedy the Obamas take the stage. Pink, Chanel-like suit, flipped hair. A departure from her sexier trademark body-conscious dresses and combed-back hair. Fitting, perhaps, in light of tomorrow's " target=resource window>endorsement by Caroline Kennedy , Jackie 's only daughter.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Caroline Kennedy to endorse Obama!

In tomorrow's New York Times , Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, constitutional scholar and all-round class act, will " target=resource window>endorse Barack Obama . Wow.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Bill Clinton: It's all about him

Speaking from Independence, Missouri, former President William Jefferson Clinton , even as the returns came in from the primary race he sought to sully in South Carolina, delivered what may be taking the place of her concession speech. However, what bit of the speech MSNBC showed was mostly about Himself: his AIDS activism, how he ran "a pretty successful presidency". He's become quite nauseating.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Obama wins plurality of young white SC voters

In the three-way contest between John Edwards , Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama , the O-man won 49 percent of white voters in the 18-29 age group. This is good news because it shows the limits of racializing the campaign. Another interesting stat: Obama and Clinton won virtually equal numbers of white, male voters. Will provide those numbers as they become available. And although the two white candidates won greater percentages of the white vote than did Obama, he won a good 15 percent more of the white vote than the 10 percent the polls had suggested he would won. And Obama's 24 percent total of the white vote come close to Edwards' 29 percent. Hillary Clinton won 36 percent of the white vote, mostly from older white women.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Clinton succeeds in racializing the campaign

Here's Bill Clinton , speaking with reporters earlier today: Another reporter asked what it said about Obama that it "took two people to beat him." Clinton again passed. "That’s’ just bait, too. Jesse Jackson won South Carolina twice, in '84 and '88. And he ran a good campaign. Senator Obama's run a good campaign here, he’s run a good campaign everywhere." Notice the non sequitur here, mes amis . What does Jesse Jackson have to do with the fact that it's taking two Clintons to beat one Obama ? Oh yeah, he's black. Remember that, South Carolina. The man is black, black, black. Ya hear me, crackahs?

Live-blogging SC poll results
MSNBC calls it for Obama a wide margin. Your blogstress just hopes that margin includes a good percentage of white voters.

Live-blogging SC poll results
Clyburn predicts nomination contest could go to the convention

House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) just predicted, in a conversation with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann , that Super Tuesday would not determine the Democratic presidential nominee. He also said that "race had been injected into this campaign" to a degree that made him "uncomfortable." One bit of good news: 70 68 percent of white voters stated in exit polls that they found Hillary Clinton 's attacks on Barack Obama to be unfair.