
Showing posts from January 28, 2008

Obama in the general

Reader nrglaw left a long and thoughtful comment on an earlier post about Barack Obama 's prospects for the general election. So thoughtful is the reader's post, mes amis , that your blogstress has granted it this thread of its own, as well as a respectful, if less than thorough, refutation. From nrglaw: There was a lot of focus on one statistic leading up to the SC primary, namely that Black Democrats represented 52% of the state's democrats. That statistic seems have gotten forgotten since the Obama victory. Its clearly still very relevant, however. I understand that Obama won 80% (my son says 82) of black democratic voters, which would account for 40% out of the total of 55% he polled. In the 18-29 year old group, he took 49 -- a push at best. Overall, he polled only 25% of the white vote. Apparently, the Latino vote was not very significant, because it isn't even mentioned in any of the MSM coverage of the results. This is a group where Hillary has done well. So...