
Showing posts from December 26, 2007

Oscar Peterson is gone

Christmas Eve brought the sad news that Oscar Peterson , the great master of the jazz piano, had died at the age of 82 in his Canadian home. Peterson's sound was distinctive, a combination of virtuosity and nuance that allowed him to move seamlessly between understated comps and solos in which a torrent of notes could spill out, sparklingly and perfectly arranged. He was a rare player who led any group in which he played, and led with subtlety. There was something in his character and playing that seemed to pull forth the essence of each musician on the stage, each becoming more him- or herself than she or he could ever be performing solo. And, all the while, he maintained a strong but sage-like presence. At least, that's how it seemed to me, listening to recordings, for I never got myself to see Peterson play live. Shame on me for that. My first awareness of Oscar Peterson was a once-removed discovery. When I was growing up, my father listened to a lot different music on ...