
Showing posts from March 28, 2007

The cops from U.N.C.L.E.

In response to Jim Dwyer's aforementioned piece on the NYPD's widespread spying on people who planned to protest the 2004 Republican National Convention, the New York Times has run some elucidating letters to the editor . To wit: To the Editor: I was struck by the dry statement that “many of the 1,806 people arrested during the convention were held for up to two days on minor offenses normally handled with a summons.” My daughter was among those arrested. She and the people she was with asked each police officer they passed whether he had any objection to their peacefully walking down the street and were reassured that there was no problem. They were herded into a trap surrounded by police officers (some embarrassed and apologetic). They were taken to a warehouse. The only water was one toilet and one water fountain. They were left chained together in groups overnight, sleeping without pads or blankets. Many developed rashes and other allergic reactions. Those whose medicati...