
Showing posts from August 7, 2006

Anti-choice activist buys Susan B. Anthony house

A member of the board of the anti-choice group, Feminists for Life , has purchased the birthplace of feminist icon Susan B. Anthony, offering the probability of a new feminist museum with an anti-choice spin. If the group's name sounds vaguely familiar to your blogstress's devotees, it's likely because Jane Sullivan Roberts , wife of Chief Justice John Roberts, brought attention to the group when it was revealed that she had served as an executive vice president of the organization, and as its board counsel. Though revered by many white women as a symbol of their right to vote, few are aware of the racism exercised by Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton when they decided to leave black women out of the suffrage equation. In fact, Anthony and others in her circle were said to be quite motivated by the thought that the black man might achieve the right to vote before white women. One suffrage newspaper editorialized : What an insult to the women who have labored thirty year...