
Showing posts from March 12, 2008

Ferraro resigns, dishing out sour grapes

From TPM Election Central comes word of Geraldine Ferraro 's resignation from Hillary Clinton 's campaign: Dear Hillary – I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign. The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST. (It gets even better.) UPDATE: More from your blogstress on the Ferraro fracas can be found at TAPPED, the group blog of The American Prospect Online. CLICK HERE TO READ 'IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, GERRY' AT TAPPED.

Geraldine Ferraro: It's tough being white

With each passing day of campaign 2008, your blogstress finds it increasingly difficult to be her blithely madcap self. What should have been the Democrats' shining hour has degenerated into an endless feud in a dysfunctional family, with one faction recklessly hurling race around without regard for the consequences to the party and hence the nation. That would be the abusive parent faction. If the comments by Geraldine Ferraro , a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton 's campaign, about which your Webwench blogged yesterday , were ill-advised, Ms. Ferraro's response to the criticism she received revealed her hand. “Every time [Barack Obama's] campaign is upset about something, they call it racist,” she said. “I will not be discriminated against because I’m white. If they think they’re going to shut up Geraldine Ferraro with that kind of stuff, they don’t know me.” Nice. Maybe Geraldine Ferraro should consider shutting her own white self up and, instead of exuding resentment...