
Showing posts from April 4, 2007

Karl Rove pelted with stuff


Blogstress joins "official Washington"

Holy Wednesday, Batman! The big, bad inside-the-Beltway media has, at long last, discovered your blogstress, via a far more august organ than that on which your eyes currently rest (namely, TAPPED , the Weblog of The American Prospect Online). Check out Conn Carroll 's post at The Hotline 's Blogometer , and scroll to the sub-head, "Obama: Bigger Than Jesus." Then kindly note that your Webwench never said Obama was bigger than anybody.

Triumph looks sexy on boys; gay on girls

Melissa Silverstein of the Women's Media Center has posted a provocative piece about women in sports, just in time for the climax of the NCAA championships: Women's reluctance to embrace sports as fans may reflect one of the most disturbing issues in women’s sports—the hypersexualization of the female athlete. As a culture, we think it’s okay for a woman to be athletic as long as she is still feminine. Marie Harden finds it ironic: "The whole idea of athletic accomplishment is about respect for what the body can do, and the sexualization of the body undermines athletic power and accomplishment." Mary Jo Kane believes that turning women athletes into sex symbols has a powerful homophobic undercurrent. Covering women’s sports in a sexualized way, she says, may be thought to "reassure fans, corporate sponsors, officials, athletic administrators, parents and in many cases the women themselves that they are not too masculine." For similar reasons, when women ...

We are family

Fascinating post from John Aravosis at AmericaBlog on Joe Murray, the turncoat lawyer for the American Family Association . While that man's story is, in itself, an intriguing one, it's a bit of Arivosis's own story that caught my eye: As an aside, this is an example of something I learned from Senator Kennedy's staff in the early 1990s. Don't necessarily write someone off just because you disagree -- even if you disagree violently. There's a core of humanity in (most) everyone -- it's only a matter of finding it, or helping them find it in themselves.