
Showing posts from November, 2007

Live-blogging the CNN/YouTube GOP presidential debate
Not feeling the magic

Is it your blogstress, or is the G.O.P. on YouTube just not as fun as the Dems? To find out, check out your cybertrix live-blogging at TAPPED .

Family Thanksgiving

Portrait of Baby w/Schnoz, Uke and Cleavage photo © 2007 Doris J. Stan Baby Eli rockin' out with your blogstress.

New Orleans in Bangladesh

Over at T'ings 'n Times , your blogstress's jazz-loving friend, Abdul, reminds us of a heart-rending disaster in South Asia: a mighty cyclone has taken the lives of 3,000 in Bangladesh, and unless help and supplies begin to arrive en masse , possibly many more. Abdul tells you where to send your dollars if you want to help.

Andrew Sullivan a lady-boss-hater

Blogger Andrew Sullivan , the contrarian champion of gay rights, is driving Hillary-hating to new heights with his latest post on the subject: [S]he pretends to be a feminist. She wants to include in her "experience" her attempt to get everybody's healthcare under her beatifically benign control in the early 1990s. But in turn he insists that her failure to achieve anything - because of her reflexive secrecy, paranoia and over-reach -- was actually his fault, not hers. She wants credit for being a feminist, while still running in part on her husband's record -- both claiming credit for the good parts and disowning the bad parts. They will keep playing this game - arguing every which way, passing the buck from one to the other, never accepting responsibility, for as long as it gets them past the latest news cycle...Another term of the two of them could well lead to the same kind of sexual scandals that distracted and near-paralyzed affairs of state in the 1990s. If yo...

Are you a Hillary-haytah?

You just may be, if you fit into one of these cleverly-devised categories: THE LADY-BOSS-HATER THE SELF-LOATHING WOMAN OF AMBITION THE ELECTABILITY NERD THE HIPPIE BETRAYED THE VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRATOR To take the blogstress's test, you must read her piece at The American Prospect Online: Hatin' on Hillary