
The the question that led to the candidates' stating their personal theologies escaped your Webwench's ears, overridden as they were by the Internationalist's exclamations of joy as the Yankees extended their lead over the Red Sox.

The answers were, nonetheless, fascinating. Here's the president at his most eloquent:

"I received calmness in the storms of the presidency [from prayer]."

But then he went on to say that he had "unleashed the armies of compassion," heedless of the hackles once raised elsewhere in the world when he delcared a "crusade" against America's enemies. (Onward Christian soldiers...)

"That's part of my foreign policy," the president said of his faith. "I believe that the freedom [in Afghanistan] is a gift from the Almighty."

From the peanut gallery came an alarming cry of, "Yes!"

The Yankees had just scored.

In a poignant rejoinder, Kerry replied,"I believe that all things are a gift from the Almighty." Nice move; amazing statement of a comprehensive, universalist personal theology.

"Yankees 3-0!"

(In the Internationalist's eyes, a gift from the Almighty, to be sure.)

As he went on, Kerry delved even deeper, citing not only the essence of Christian theology, but noting the many scriptures and traditions--including the Koran and "the Native Americans who gave me a blessing"--as really being different means to the same end.

As your blogstress's friend, the Jazzman, stated recently, "There are many paths that lead to the same road."

Your Webwench did indeed experience a near swoon when the Massachusetts senator offered this:

I was taught—I went to a church school and I was taught that the two greatest commandments are: Love the Lord, your God, with all your mind, your body and your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. And frankly, I think we have a lot more loving of our neighbor to do in this country and on this planet.

Or perhaps she just needed to loosen the stays on her bustier.


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