Grammography: the strike-thru
Herewith the first in an occasional series whereby your blogstress makes note of stylistic trends in punctuation, linguistic notation and latter-day usage. It will run as a companion series to the yet-to-be-introduced AddieStan occasional feature, Lexiconography, wherein terminology coined in the think shops of Our Nation's Capital will be scrutinized, often with suggestions for alternative appellations.
Today's observation centers on the clever use of a font feature usually reserved as an editing tool: the strike-thru.
Weary of plodding through the thicket of Orwellian terms employed by the right-wing, liberal writers--at least those in the outsider communities--have found a way to deflate such ridiculous terms so as to reveal their true meaning. First appears the actual meaning of the term in a strike-thru font, and then its rhetorical form as deployed by the right. (It is alternatively used as an implied subliminal subtext.)
Dig this, from Confined Space:
One of our favorite Congressmen, Charlie Norwood (R-GA), Chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, held a hearing last week on voluntary safety programs and contracting out OSHA third-party safety and health audits...
Here's an example, from the same piece, of the parenthetically mentioned technique:
Terrorism has been used as an excuse for a lot of crazy things like limiting civil liberties and even re electing George W. Bush. Now, according to some people in Cloud Cuckooland Congress, it's also an excuse for letting workers die....
Here's how do do it, for you bloggers out there: When composing a post, use the word "strike" in these kind of brackets < > on either side of the word or phrase you wish to appear in strike-thru, being sure to include the backslash in the after the first closing bracket. Click here to see how it should look.
Now go knock yuhselves out.