Between the devil and the Holy See

Did you think your blogstress had abandoned you, mes amis? Tsk, tsk; you should know by now that at times the work of a blogstress will demand her removal from the world -- yes, even her own blog in the virtual world we call cyberspace -- in order to prepare herself spiritually and sartorially for all that lies ahead. And so it has been that your Webwench has been hunkered down in the Oppo Factory, mitts deep in a box of bon-bons, nose buried in theology and history texts -- and fall fashion magazines.

The impetus for the history cramming was provided by those unfortunate comments about Islam uttered by the Holy Father from a podium in Germany. As for the fashion mags, well, your cybertrix hears that the pontiff does love Prada -- yes, the same Prada reportedly worn by the devil, whose identity, revealed this week by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, is shared by a man named George W. Bush. In case you missed it, Latin America's socialist standard-bearer took some time out yesterday from skipping down the halls of the U.N. hand-in-hand with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to give a speech to the General Assembly naming the leader of the free world as Lord of the Underworld. (Special thanks to Bassman Geoff Harper for delivering that info in real time to the breakaway republic.)

In the meantime, the Islamic world is a bit agitated, thanks to the utterances of Benedict XVI, who essentially used the words of a 14th century Christian monarch to denounce Islam as a religion founded on stolen ideas, save for its introduction of evil and inhumanity to the great religions of the world. Herewith, at The American Prospect Online, the result of your écrivaine's toil in the realms of substance and style.



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