Tony Perkins to lead anti-marriage rally tomorrow

From our friend Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council comes this loving invitation:

Dear Adele,

On Tuesday, April 28, Washington, D.C.-area pastors and pro-family leaders are gathering in the nation's capital to rally for man-woman marriage. The rally will take place from 10:00 a.m. to Noon on Freedom Plaza, which is located on Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets, NW.

Come take part and express your support for traditional marriage!

Homosexual marriage advocates in Washington, D.C. are pushing the District of Columbia City Council to replace man-woman marriage with a law that will allow two men or two women to "marry." Just a few weeks ago the Council voted to recognize such "marriages" when they occur overseas or in the handful of other U.S. jurisdictions that allow them - most of them compelled to do so by activist judges who have ignored the will of the people. Let's remind our elected officials just what that will is: to protect marriage for our children and generations to come.

Speakers at the Stand 4 Marriage Rally on Freedom Plaza will include Bishop Harry Jackson, president of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, Derek McCoy of Stand 4 Marriage, D.C., and local community leaders. I'll be speaking as well.

Freedom Plaza is just a short walk from the Metro Center and Federal Triangle metro stops. Help us spread the word and draw a crowd to let the D.C. City Council and the national capital community know that marriage matters here too.

Thank you and God bless you.

Tony Perkins
See y'all tomorrow at Freedom Plaza!


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