
Showing posts from April, 2009

One hundred days, poetry and change

Subsequent segments of press conference found here . So grateful to finally reach the 100th day, so that the media may come up with a new meaningless thematic obsession. (Time to stop counting days and get to the business of living a sober life.) Because she was out reading her poetry at an open mic, your blogstress did not watch the president's press conference in real time, a circumstance she would have once deemed unthinkable. Your écrivaine is uncertain of just what this means, except that perhaps now that the country appears to be in capable hands, she no longer finds her vigilance to be quite so necessary. Nonetheless, your Webwench could not entirely look away, and so midnight found her watching the video on her computer, marveling at the fact that it was possible to lie on a couch, netbook perched on knees, and watch tiny moving pictures (with excellent sound) that way. (Your cybertrix is sometimes easily amused.) President Obama 's customary elegance was in eviden...

Arlen Specter: No longer a "very good Republican"

Having been ensconced in a poetry salon all afternoon, you blogstress has had no time to wax political on the peculiar turn of events that sees Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania -- he who pilloried Anita Hill -- becoming a Democrat. (Hooray for one more vote in the soon-to-be-filibuster-proof Senate!) Until your ecrivaine is poised to pontificate on this glorious event, you may find amusement in her 2000 interview the same Arlen Specter, who, at that time, declared himself, rather sardonically, to be a "very good Republican." CLICK HERE TO READ "VERY GOOD REPUBLICANS"

Tony Perkins to lead anti-marriage rally tomorrow

From our friend Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council comes this loving invitation: Dear Adele, On Tuesday, April 28, Washington, D.C.-area pastors and pro-family leaders are gathering in the nation's capital to rally for man-woman marriage. The rally will take place from 10:00 a.m. to Noon on Freedom Plaza, which is located on Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets, NW. Come take part and express your support for traditional marriage! Homosexual marriage advocates in Washington, D.C. are pushing the District of Columbia City Council to replace man-woman marriage with a law that will allow two men or two women to "marry." Just a few weeks ago the Council voted to recognize such "marriages" when they occur overseas or in the handful of other U.S. jurisdictions that allow them - most of them compelled to do so by activist judges who have ignored the will of the people. Let's remind our elected officials just what that will is: to protect marri...

What has five pillars?

Why, President Obama's economic program, according to himself (per his recently concluded speech at Georgetown University ). They are: * new rules for Wall Street that will reward drive and innovation * new investments in education that will make our workforce more skilled and competitive * new investments in renewable energy and technology that will create new jobs and industries * new investments in health care that will cut costs for families and businesses * new savings in our federal budget that will bring down the debt for future generations What else has five pillars ? Islam. They are: * Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad; * Establishment of the daily prayers; * Concern for and almsgiving to the needy; * Self-purification through fasting; and * The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able. Get ready, mes amis , for the right-wing conspiracy theorists to revive the "Obama as crypto-Muslim" t...

Gay nation gets Newt's goat

Well, not quite -- the "gay nation" part, that is. But you gotta admit, for advocates of same-sex marriage, last week was stellar, especially in the melancholy aftermath of Proposition 8. Iowa's Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to ban same-sex marriage in that heartland state. That had Newt Gingrich railing yesterday, on "This Week With George Stephanopoulos", about the dangers of having the judiciary settle social issues: "[I]t's very dangerous for the country to have the judiciary become the chief agent of social change," said the former House speaker. I mean, look where that got us: having to go to school with black people and nixing the sexual harassment of women in the workplace. Bummer, man. And Newt's philosophical opposition to Iowa's new marriage scheme left him defenseless against the Green Mountain state's newfound barrier-free approach to same-sex marriage. That's right, in Vermont last week, the legislat...